《武陵春·風住塵香花已盡》翻譯:Wuling Chun






To the Tune: Wuling Chun

by Li Qingzhao

The wind has stopped, dust seeped in the fragrance of flowers that have long wilted.

It was already noontime, but I couldn’t be bothered to do my hair.

My surroundings remain the same, but people were not.

Words linger between my lips, but tears flowed instead.

People say that the springtime view by the stream is good and fair,

I too want to go there by a boat.

But I’m afraid that the boat, so swift and light,

Could not carry the weight of my many woes.

《武陵春·風住塵香花已盡》翻譯:Wuling Chun



五月到六月就是每年一度的小六直通車申請時期,七八月份面試。我有一個學生也參加了今年的面試。現在面試畢竟跟我以前的經歷不同,所以報名時期便有四處打聽,聽說現在古箏直通車面試競爭愈加激烈,隨便都是考級七八級的,似乎沒有七級考級連面試都不會被叫去。因為這個學生是六級,但是又不夠時間考七級,所以家長也特別緊張,弄得我也很緊張,想方設法地幫學生磨曲子、練習面試問題、build portfolio,後來總算是有了比較好的結果,我也鬆了一口氣。


她提醒我,學琴、學音樂,最重要的還是孩子要喜歡音樂、享受音樂。若是一味地追求考級而忽略了孩子的興趣和音樂培養,導致他們以後對古箏、對音樂產生厭惡情緒,那可真是得不償失了。而且這種情境並不少見,什麼家長逼孩子練鋼琴導致孩子討厭練琴、中文老師太兇導致孩子不喜歡學華文…… 相信大家都聽過類似的故事,或者自己就是其中的「受害者」。我又想起我的小一學生——去年考級時家長逼緊了,結果今年對古箏有了抵觸的情緒,只能放緩課程的進度,調整到現在終於重新燃起興趣,不然我真是罪孽深重了。



TENG Backstage Video Series

The TENG Backstage series provides educational entertainment through vlogs and light-hearted videos with TENG musicians. This post is just to keep a record of the videos subtitles that I have translated so far. Full playlist of the series can be viewed here.

Musicians React to Chinese Music Stereotypes

Good to see musicians from a more daily-life perspective. Makes them seem more approachable and relatable.

Jiwei Tries Spartan Class?!

Wah this one… I tried doing the exercises with the video… so difficult leh…

TENG Recap 2021

2021 is also a difficult year for the arts practitioners and arts companies. Glad to see that TENG has survived the initial stages and is doing so well 🙂

Teen Teaches Adult Erhu Edition

年輕人教得很不錯,我都想學二胡了。但是為了自己家人和鄰居的耳朵,還是算了吧 😅
TENG Backstage Video Series


最近工作特別忙,結果三週沒去上古琴課,也沒時間練習。《長門怨》學到一般就落在那裡,這週因為要去上課 所以趕緊練琴,發現雙手放在琴上的感覺是那麼的陌生,右手撥了撥弦,左手划了划,卻沒獲得任何反應。或許是古琴在與我生悶氣,氣我連續三週都沒理它吧!我坐在那裡彈了好一會兒,才稍稍找到以前的感覺。


近來,我一坐在古琴面前,就有一種需要完成任務的感覺,壓力劇增(真的,因為時間安排得不好 所以等到臨秋末晚時才練琴,一想到還有那麼多沒練習,能不有壓力嗎?),失去了以前彈古琴時那種純粹地享受和喜愛。以前,就算沒有琴桌,只能抱著琴在床上彈,就算學的曲都很簡單 但是心中仍然充滿喜悅。現在的我似乎更多是在完成任務。特別是我為了確保左手沒有彈錯音,所以集中裡都往左手那裡走,反而忘記右手的存在。結果右手一直往裡飄,而且音色不美。我應該後退一步,以更全面的角度找兩隻手彈琴的感覺。

記得之前聽黃德欣德老師《碧澗流泉》,是我第一次強烈地意識到——呀,人家是用兩隻手彈出來德。嗯,我反應好慢 😅















giving your all

the weather has been a bit gloomy over the past few days. having worked overtime till well past midnight for three consecutive days has made me a bit jittery and irritable to say the least. my heart muscles ache due to all the staying ups, but i couldn’t stop as i was already way past the deadline. only managed to complete the last minute project this morning, and turned out i still missed out some stuff. my salad-making for dinner last night failed miserably too – the coleslaw was too salty. my family hated it. i hated it. had to throw it away in the end.

while trying to finish the abomination of a coleslaw last evening, i saw the news that yuzuru hanyu had came in 4th yesterday, since he did not execute the quadruple axel (4A) in its completion. i wouldn’t call myself a hanyu fan (or a “fanyu”, as they call it), as i am not that acquainted with his sports career, nor did i follow his reports and updates diligently like many fans do. but i have watched several of his skating clips throughout the years, and have always been mesmerized by his skillful, artistic, and expressive performances. it is truely remarkable how he can just blend each jump in with his movements and make them seem so graceful and effortless.

as the holy grail, never-been-done-before jump for ice skating, hanyu has been aiming to complete the 4A jump for the beijing olympics. so for his free skate program, he did it, but he fell. he then did another a quadruple salchow (4S) and fell as well. the rest of his performance was flawless, but the falls, coupled with his missed 4S in the short program a few days ago, placed him in the fourth place. however, his 4A attempt was also the first to be judged as a 4A (albeit under-rotated) and not be downgraded to a 3A.

as the two-time olympics gold medalist, it must be pressurizing on him to defend his title and achieve a gold for a third-time. with his skills, he could have just played it safe and chose a manageable routine passable for gold, and it would be a perfect exit for his third (and perhaps the last) olympics. instead, he chose to give it all up just to attempt at a seemingly unattainable goal. despite the injuries, the falls, and the uncertainties, his hardwork was not rewarded. there were no miracles. which is why it must be even more disheartening for him at the moment. not to mention his attempts also brought back memories of my own past failures as well. i was still downcasted today, and my mood worsened upon receiving some shocking news at work. frustrated and unable to concentrate, i went to practise a small section of a piece that i’ve wanted to challenge myself with for weeks, and finally felt a bit better afterwards.

in his post-competition interview, yuzuru said that he was disappointed that his hardwork was not reciprocated, but felt that he did the right form of hardwork in attempt to achieve the 4A, and in attempt to win gold. he also felt that it was the most ideal 4A that he has completed so far. to keep on challenging yourself and give in your all with no regrets – i think he has demonstrated the spirit of a true olympian. hardwork may not always be rewarded – one may often end up in disappointment and frustration, but at least it will ensure that there will be no regrets. hanyu may not have won gold, but his spirit transcends beyond any number of gold medals and accreditations, and i believe that his relentless attempts have inspired many people, myself included – if hanyu, at his level, continues to give his all to chase after the seemingly unattainable quadruple axel, then what is stopping me from chasing after a quadruple axel of my own?

dec 9: revising this post 10 months later – i did my own quadruple axel! 🙂

giving your all

new year : gratitude

i was awake texting a friend last night when the clock strucked 12:00. despite having been through this ritual for twenty over years, my heart still skipped a beat as i sat through the invisible transition into a new year and listened to the sound of fireworks rumbling in a distance. new year’s eve this year feels different from before – perhaps deep down we have all grown more aware of the preciousness of little happiness in life, when faced with all the mishappenings around the world (that we are turning disturbingly accustomed/indifferent to).

this is also a year where friends my age are proceeding to new stages of life, be it career, marriage, kids, or further education. scrolling through posts of exciting events and achievements (that are not mine) does make me self-conscious and embarrassed at the apparent stagnancy in my own life – all the more compounded by the lack of mobility from working from home. i can recall numerous instances of me comparing myself to friends (usually triggered by a failure or disappointment), which more often than not led to a recollection of past failures, anxiety, and self-belittlement.

all of these mostly stemmed from self-awareness of my inadequacies, which i believe will be reduced as long as i work hard. but i sometimes also lacked enough gratitude towards what i already own – good health, food, a roof over my head, mobility, stable job, parents healthy and well, time to do my hobbies, a safe and secure environment, and the time, energy, and potential to do a lot of things. i still recall my former self in school, struggling to balance academic life with CCA responsibilities, and longing to graduate from school so that i can find a job, make a living, and leave some time to read, write, translate, and play music…. which is exactly what i am doing now…! if i look from this angle, then i have already accomplished one of my goals, which is pretty amazing!

so for this year, instead of solely focusing on what i lack, i hope to be mindful of what i already have, and to treasure them while they last.

new year : gratitude


最近看了2021年黑馬網劇《愛很美味》,非常喜歡,感覺比之前看過的兩部女性題材的網劇——《我在他鄉都挺好》和《三十而已》還要好。這是由陳正道/許肇任導演,沈洋 / 易帥婕編寫,李純 / 張含韻 / 王菊主演的一部劇,主要圍繞三名女主的感情、事業問題變化所展開的故事。三名女主雖然性格迥異,但從小到大也是親密無間的好朋友。她們有機靈古怪的,有好勝要強的,也有竊懦腹黑的。感情上,有單身被催婚的,有談婚論嫁卻分手的,也有已婚卻被出軌而離婚的。工作上,她們有被裁員的,有事業有成的,也有重回職場的。面對這些問題,她們哭過迷茫過,但最後都直面自己內心,重新調整後扶正自己人生。

劉淨(李純 飾)是在銀行上班,按部就班、得過且過的上班族,因疫情原故而被裁員。但也正因這次經歷而促使她找到自己真正熱愛的事情(烹飪),並勇敢為之踏出一步(開餐廳)。她的感情就跟事業一樣優柔寡斷、搖擺不定,雖然內心已做出選擇,但還是默默享受宋超對她的好,好在她後來有跟宋說清楚斷乾淨,並跟更成熟的離異爸姜山木在一起。

夏夢(王菊 飾)是事業有成的新媒體公司總裁,跟男友王繼沖也是長達八年的感情,眼看已經到了談婚論嫁的地步,結果多年積累的矛盾爆發導致情感破裂。男友因在夏夢手下工作,處處被女友壓一頭,而夏夢性格強勢,習慣用領導的姿態對待男友,所以最後兩人無奈分手。後來她找到能夠真正欣賞自己的健身教練陸斌,重拾自信,並展開新的戀情。

方欣(張含韻 飾)是人美嬌貴、婚姻美滿幸福的已婚家庭主婦,誰知她在疫情期間發現看似心疼自己的老公竟然出軌,只能黯然離婚。離婚後的方欣努力適應沒有老公照顧的生活,沒有經濟來源的她只能重返職場,卻因為空白的經歷而備受同事排擠,同時還面對客戶的性騷擾。方欣最後終於憑藉自己的努力和能力贏得客戶和同事的尊重,並且意識到自己的公主病問題,做出改變並主動出擊,與細心體貼的麵包師傅張挺在一起。





劉淨的性格和狀態都跟我很像,都是單身、喜歡做菜,有點小孤僻,存在感低,而且一路來都有些不知道自己真正要幹什麼。幸好她歷經被開除、找工作、創業等波折後,終於意識到原來自己熱愛的事物就陪伴在自己身邊。關於她父母為了開餐廳(和戀情)一事跟她吵架打冷戰,我倒真的不能怪她父母。開餐廳本身就有風險,選地腳、食品把控、前期宣傳和客流、資金問題樣樣都非常棘手,更別提在疫情嚴峻之時開餐廳了。而且聽劉淨自己說,她從小到大芭蕾顆鋼琴課都學得有始無終,虎頭蛇尾,所以她父母對她沒信心也是可以理解的。希望她能順利將自己的餐廳開下去。(話說 雖然我也覺得姜山木和劉淨比較配,但在幫助劉認識到自己熱忱這件事上,還真的沒有宋超起得作用大。)



