《雙鶴聽泉》Listening to the Flowing Stream


Two cranes listening to the flowing stream is (apparently) the prelude to the guqin piece “Two clarities of the Ape and the Crane” (?), and was earliest recorded in the Wenhuitang Collection of Guqin Scores, compiled by Hu Wenhuan in 1596. (baidu & wiki)

Here are some relevant and interesting ancient records describing the intent of the piece, as well as how we should play it:



“(Look at the) river gulls and herons, the wild cranes in the mountains. They may reside on islets or roam by the streams, but never will they be caged by mortal sufferings. Unfettered and unrestrained, they wander in the mountains fearless and unperturbed. Oh! For the fleeting life is nothing but a dream, how many joyous moments can we have? If my aspirations are left unseen and unacknowledged, then I would rather live in the mountain wilderness. So what if it brings me a poor and humble life!”

——– Yifengyuan Scores for the Guqin, by Yu Xiangnian (1709)



‘Flowing stream’ is a short piece that starts broad and turns calm and harmonious. The notes are akin to the music of the Major Court Hymns (1). When played in a balanced tone (2) in the middle of a quiet night, it is as though one is seated by the mountain steps, cleansed by the clear charms of trickling streamlets.”

——– A Study of Guqin Fingerings and Playing Techniques, by Wang Zhongshu (1852)

(1) the Major Court Hymes, or Daya (大雅), refers to one of the six chapters in the Book of Songs (詩經), the earliest collection of poetries in ancient China. The music and poems of the Daya chapter is recognised as a very elegant, pure, and sophisticated genre, so by alluding this piece to the music of Daya, that is a very high form of compliment.

(2) Yes i think 中音 here refers to a balanced tone (中和之音) instead of the music pitch i.e. alto range.

《雙鶴聽泉》Listening to the Flowing Stream






